The right price for you, whoever you are

Employer subscription


Access our network of reliable employees, ready for work

Our goal is transparency and there are no hidden fees

  • Effortless recruitment from your mobile phone
  • Never be short staffed, with last minute recruitment
  • Lower your employment costs
  • Cancel your subscription at any time

Why it’s more cost efficient than ever?

Take for instance, an 8-hour shift at £10 per hour.

Shift pro logo others
Staff Cost £80 £80
Holiday pay £9.66 £9.66
NI & Pension £5.83 £5.83
Agents' fee £2.86 £23
VAT £19.67 £23.70
Grand total £118 £142.19

Find the plan that’s right for your business size




monthly plan

  • 1 business location
Enjoy 30% off by paying annually:

(save £180)




monthly plan

  • 2-4 business locations
Enjoy 30% off by paying annually:

(save £324)




monthly plan

  • for 5-9 business locations
Enjoy 30% off by paying annually:

(save £504)




monthly plan

  • for 10+ business locations
Enjoy 30% off by paying annually:

(save £684)

coffee cup
Candidate subscription


Control your workload, from the palm of your hand

Our goal is transparency and there are no hidden fees

  • Apply for and book shifts from your mobile phone
  • Work around your own schedule
  • Guaranteed higher pay and access to various discounts
  • Cancel your subscription at any time

Save 30% off by paying annually: £72.80 (save £31.20)

Start your ShiftPRO journey today!